
>Welcome to my page.

IBM-BIOS (by VileR)
PC Senior (by codeman38)



I've recently started learning a language called rust, which some of you reading this might have already heard of (if you haven't, go give it a try! it's like c++, except fun). I've been using it to learn about computer graphics! This is my proudest achievement so far:

Looping gif of an avatar spinning around and moving

Now, I know what you're probably thinking - that's not very impressive and the white background hurts my eyes. And yes, you'd be right, it absolutely isn't. But here's the thing: I've never been able to get beyond opening a window in graphics programming, so I'm pretty happy with this, to be completely honest.

Here's some example code for opening a window in glium:

let events_loop = EventLoop::new();

let wb = WindowBuilder::new()
 .with_inner_size(LogicalSize::new(width, height))

let cb = ContextBuilder::new();

Display::new(wb, cb, &events_loop).expect("Failed to create display")